Info on specialized programs and how to apply
This is a big week if you want to learn about Arlington ISD specialized programs in person.
If your eighth grader is interested in attending one of our specialized programs or you want your student to start kindergarten in one of the academies in the fall of 2024, this is your chance to find out about these programs.
It starts tonight as Pearcy STEM Academy is hosting an information meeting at 5:30 p.m. at Pearcy (601 E. Harris Rd.) This is your chance to find out if a STEM education is right for your child.
Wimbish World Language Academy (1601 Wright St.) will have a parent information meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 6 p.m. Students at Wimbish are fully immersed in a dual-language environment on an English/Spanish or English/French track.
Crow Leadership Academy (1201 Coke Dr.) will have a parent information meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 5:30 p.m. Students at Crow learn leadership and collaboration skills as one of only a handful of International Baccalaureate Programme elementary schools in the Metroplex.
For students entering high school in the 2024-25 school year, there are plenty of great options for earning college credit and setting them up for future careers.
Arlington Collegiate High School and Arlington College and Career High School are holding a meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday at Carter Junior High (701 Tharp St.). This is your chance to find out how students can graduate with up to 60 hours of college credit for free. Students at ACCHS can also earn workplace certifications.
Is your eighth grader interested in business or cybersecurity? Those are the tracks they can study at the P-TECH at Lamar High School. There’s a parent meeting at Lamar (1400 W. Lamar Blvd.) this Wednesday at 6 p.m. P-TECH students can participate in traditional high school activities while earning college credit and gaining knowledge in fast-growing fields.
If your student is interested in the health sciences, head to Bowie High School (2101 Highbank Dr.) Thursday night at 6:30 for a P-TECH at Bowie High School information meeting.
Applications for all our specialized programs are open now. You can find out more about them and apply here!