Homecoming season starts this week Homecoming season is finally here! And in Texas, that can only mean one thing – it’s time to Mum It Up! The once small, fresh chrysanthemums have become the biggest, boldest, most fabulous accessory of the season. With ribbon, cowbells, stuffed animals and even flashing lights, mums are a…
Read More about It’s time to Mum It Up for homecoming season.Tips to make it a great day School starts tomorrow! Here are five tips to help you and your kids have a great first day back at school in the Arlington ISD. Get a Head Start Back to school eve is just as important as the first day of school. Take some time to…
Read More about 5 tips to survive the first day of school .Be prepared for the first day Sending your littlest learner to the first day of school is a milestone like no other. Whether it’s their first day in pre-K or they’re starting kindergarten, sending your baby off can seem scary and unpredictable. But you and your child are in good hands in the Arlington ISD.…
Read More about 5 tips for surviving the first day of pre-K or kindergarten.Las oportunidades para poner a los estudiantes en el camino hacia el éxito no se presentan con frecuencia, por lo que es importante actuar con rapidez cuando se presenten. Y ahora es el momento. Por tiempo limitado, Arlington ISD brinda a los padres la oportunidad de transferir a sus hijos a un distrito que transformará…
Read More about 4 razones para transferirse a Arlington ISD.Are you first day ready? The first day of school is almost here, which probably means excitement for most parents and sorrow for some students as they soak up the last days of summer. We want you to have a great first day in the Arlington ISD, and we’ve got you covered with five tips…
Read More about 5 tips to survive the first day of school.In the week leading up to Arlington ISD graduations June 7 and 8, we are celebrating the Class of 2022 valedictorian and salutatorian for all seven Arlington ISD high schools. Name: Linh Vu, Salutatorian School: Seguin High School College: University of Texas at Austin Intended major: Biology What is your dream and how do…
Read More about Seguin High School Salutatorian Shares Memories and Advice.In the week leading up to Arlington ISD graduations June 7 and 8, we are celebrating the Class of 2022 valedictorian and salutatorian for all seven Arlington ISD high schools. Name: Nhi Dinh, Valedictorian School: Seguin High School College: UT Arlington Intended Major: Biology What is your dream and how do you plan to make…
Read More about Seguin High School Valedictorian Shares Memories and Advice.Making it to high school graduation requires plenty of hard work, but the moment of crossing the stage to receive a diploma makes it all worth it. Take it from Lamar High School salutatorian Haley Wehr who has served in multiple student organizations throughout her four years and has the cords and stoles to prove…
Read More about Salutatorian Reflects on High School with Cords and Stoles.In the week leading up to Arlington ISD graduations June 7 and 8, we are celebrating the Class of 2022 valedictorian and salutatorian for all seven Arlington ISD high schools. Name: Heather van Waasbergen, Co-Valedictorian School: Martin High School College: University of California at Davis Intended Major: Animal Biology What is your dream and how…
Read More about Martin High School Valedictorian Shares Memories and Advice.In the week leading up to Arlington ISD graduations June 7 and 8, we are celebrating the Class of 2022 valedictorian and salutatorian for all seven Arlington ISD high schools. Name: Jennifer Uyên Thơ Nguyễn, Co-Valedictorian School: Martin High School College: Harvard University Intended Major: Mechanical Engineering What is your dream and how do you…
Read More about Martin High School Valedictorian Shares Memories and Advice.