The 2019 Bond – and all the great things it is doing for our students – is entirely thanks to the support of this community. So, we want the community to know how the district is spending the $966 million you entrusted us with. That’s why we have our Bond 2019 website, weekly bond updates on the district blog and construction progress photos on our bond Flickr page. It’s also why we invite the community, through the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee, to provide oversight to the bond, monitor our progress and make recommendations to the Board of Trustees.
Read the CBOC’s charge.
The first regular meeting of the Citizens Bond Oversight Committee for the 2019 Bond was held last week to begin executing its charge. The committee met at the Arlington ISD’s Food and Nutrition Services building, home to one of the first Bond 2019 projects. CBOC meetings are typically held in district buildings either built by or receiving renovations funded by the bond.
The meeting started with a tour of the Food and Nutrition Services building, which recently received a complete renovation and a new freezer addition.
Learn more about the renovations and see photos.
Following the tour, Arlington ISD Chief Financial Officer Darla Moss led a presentation overviewing the status of the 2019 Bond. The presentation also included updates from district leaders in each of the areas receiving bond funds: facilities, technology, fine arts, transportation and security.
While the CBOC has limited spots, CBOC presentations and bond information are available to everyone. The materials from each meeting are posted on the Bond 2019 Oversight webpage. And questions are always welcome through our contact form.