Watch the Board Brief below
Arlington ISD’s Board of Trustees meeting on April 6, 2023, is in the books, and here are a few of the highlights.
Student thespians from the Bowie High School Headliners Theatre Department kicked off the meeting by performing a scene from their one act play, “The Arabian Nights.” They were directed by Lindsey Hertel and Joy Trimble.
After the outstanding student performance, the board honored another outstanding student, the district’s student of the month, Seguin High School senior Sophia Le. Sophia is a well-rounded student and remarkable leader involved in lots of student organizations and activities. She’s heading to the University of Southern California next year to study neurobiology. Congrats, Sophia!
Then the trustees got to work on their agenda. Several items were related to the 2019 Bond. The board approved the contractor to do the earthwork and foundations for phase three of the district’s ongoing project to put new playgrounds at all elementary schools. Phase three will finish the job with the final 19 schools. The general contractor was also named to replace the track and field at Bowie and Seguin high schools.
The board approved an agreement with the City that allows students who participate in the district’s Student Outreach Services to use VIA ride share to get to and from school or extra-curricular activities for free. Many of these students are dealing with homelessness, so this is very helpful.
Finally, Dr. Natalie Lopez, Arlington ISD assistant superintendent of research and accountability, presented on the district’s plan to improve literacy and math proficiency and performance objectives as outlined in the District Improvement Plan required by House Bill 3. This presentation provided a progress update on student outcomes on the State Interim Assessment 2 for grades three through 11.
Those are just some of the highlights from tonight. If you would like more details on any of these, or any of the items I didn’t cover, please click the link on the screen to watch the entire meeting.