Reindeer Training Winter Workout focuses on running
So, are your abs still burning from the return of Duff Elementary physical education teacher Matt Bostick to your holiday fun?
Tuesday’s 12 Days of Fit’mas was a great way to shake off the extra snacks you had on Christmas Day. But Bostick isn’t done with his Winter Workouts. He knows Santa isn’t the only one who had an extra cookie or two and is looking to stay in shape over the break.
So, today Bostick has designed another Winter Workout for everyone, this one focused on running. The best thing about this one is that there’s no extra equipment needed. Just you, your legs and some healthy lungs are all that’s needed to get you through Reindeer Training.
Follow Bostick’s plan and Rudolph could be out of a job next year as you’ll be pulling everyone along with you.
It’s all about interval running. Here are the steps:
- Start with 30 seconds of running followed by 1 minute, 30 seconds of walking.
- Do it for eight rounds, add rounds as you get better and faster.
- Vary intensity on runs, jog or sprint.
- Change times if too easy. You can switch the two: run for 1 minute, 30 seconds and walk for 30 seconds.
- If you really want to get crazy, add a backpack with weights if desired. After all, Santa’s sleigh isn’t light.
And if you missed yesterday’s Winter Workout, here it is.