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Berry students graduate as first class from universal pre-K
Posted in , on June 22, 2023

Universal pre-K welcomes all 4-year-olds

When Berry Elementary School’s pre-K 4 students made their way across the graduation stage last month, it marked the end of the first year of universal pre-K in Arlington ISD.

“In Arlington ISD we believe that each child deserves access to high-quality education,” said Dr. Jackeline Orsini, Arlington ISD director of early childhood learning.

That’s why the district instituted universal pre-K for the first time last school year so that every 4-year-old can go to pre-K for free.

“I feel honored to work at a school district that believes in equity and proud to have led this significant project,” Orsini said. “We are making a difference in the lives of many kids and families who need access to free preschool education.”

Berry principal Rose Ravin has seen that difference firsthand. Watching the progression of the students from the first day of school through graduation is what makes pre-K in Arlington ISD truly remarkable, Ravin explained.

“This year was an exciting time for our Berry pre-K learners,” Ravin said. “Sitting back and reflecting on the growth of our learners academically, socially and emotionally has been amazing. Our pre-K classes provided an environment of student engagement inside and outside of the classroom.”

It’s not just that every child now has access to free pre-K that makes Arlington ISD’s pre-K program so impactful. It’s that the pre-K program these students get to attend every day is outstanding. And most importantly, it is led by dedicated, loving and certified teachers.

“Our teachers laid the foundation, inspiring and sparking the interest of our students and setting them on the road of discovery and learning,” Ravin said. “Look out world, here they come!”

Berry pre-K 4 ESL teacher Stephanie Cox has also seen the impact that universal pre-K and the district’s new pre-K 4 STEM curriculum have made on their littlest learners.

“It is amazing how much they grow and learn over a school year!” Cox said. “In my experience, having universal pre-K is certainly a game changer for young children. It is one of the greatest benefits that we can offer the community that we serve. Having children who are getting a firm foundation in their educational journey is paramount to future success.”

Register Now

The first year of universal pre-K is now over, but the next one starts Aug. 16. And your child can be a part of it! Arlington ISD’s best-in-class pre-K for 4-year-olds is open and free to every child. You just need to register.

Registration is now open online for pre-K 4 and pre-K 3 at If you have any questions, feel free to contact the pre-K team at (682) 867-9418 or And learn more about what a day in pre-K is really like here