Phase two buses all received
The 2019 Bond is doing more than just building new schools and improving existing buildings. It is also improving the district’s transportation system by funding the purchase of new buses and vehicles.
The vehicle purchases in the 2019 Bond are phased over the five years of the bond program. Phase two is finally complete after backed-up production slowed the delivery of new buses. But the district’s phase two buses are all here now, including four full-size regular education buses, two smaller special education (SPED) buses and 10 shuttle buses.
These add to the phase one purchases, which included 15 regular education buses, three SPED buses and 12 shuttle buses.
The newer bond-funded buses offer many improvements, including better safety features, better gas mileage, air conditioning and now seat belts. The new buses also help the district keep to a replacement cycle of 10-12 years, or 150,000 miles for special education buses and 180,000-200,000 miles for regular buses.
“The new buses we received are beneficial in assuring that our student passengers are riding safely and comfortably,” said director of transportation Tim Collins. “The newer buses are environmentally better versus the higher level of emissions that develops over time in older buses. So being able to rotate our older buses out with newer more efficient buses is definitely a plus for all.”
The new inventory brings the district’s bus fleet total to 315, with 154 regular education buses, 121 SPED buses and 40 shuttle buses.
Now, it’s on to phase three. The transportation department is in the process of confirming and ordering the next phase. Like with everything else, inflation and manufacturing slow-downs are causing the need for some minor adjustments and patience.
“It will take anywhere from 7-12 months for us to receive on our buses and white fleet vehicles due to manufacturing’s limited resources,” Collins said.
Join the transportation team
With more than 300 buses, including 40 shuttles, serving nearly 57,000 students, Arlington ISD’s transportation department is always busy and always has job opportunities. If you love kids and like to drive, they have the perfect job for you. With the shuttles, you don’t even need a CDL. Visit Arlington ISD’s jobs webpage today to apply.