ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act, federal legislation that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities in several areas, including employment, transportation, public accommodations, communications and access to state and local government programs and services.
Ag - Agriculture
AP – Advanced Placement. AP is a program created by the College Board which offers college-level curriculum and examinations to high school students. Colleges and universities may grant placement and course credit to students who obtain high scores on the examinations.
Black box theater – A simple room with black walls and a flat floor intended for drama instruction and practice
Board – Board of Trustees
CBOC – Citizen Bond Oversight Committee. The purpose of the AISD’s current CBOC is to provide findings and recommendations to the AISD Board of Trustees relating to the expenditure of bond proceeds authorized in the 2014 Bond election, the progress of the 2014 Bond program, and ways the District can maximize the potential of the 2014 Bond program. Members are appointed to the committee by the Board of Trustees.
CNSC – Capital Needs Steering Committee. The 37-volunteer-member CNSC, comprised of parents, teachers, principals, community members, business representatives and college and university representatives, was appointed by the Board of Trustees to evaluate and prioritize the district’s identified capital needs. Through a series of meetings, community dialogues and surveys, the committee reviewed and analyzed the district’s capital assessment and listened to the community’s priorities and questions. In June, the committee reported its findings to the AISD Board of Trustees and recommended the 2019 Bond program to fund the priorities
CTC – AISD Dan Dipert Career and Technical Center
CTE – Career and technical education
CVPA - Center for Visual and Performing Arts
Enterprise Centre – The former name of the building that now houses the district's Administration. The address is 690 E. Lamar Blvd. Arlington, TX 76013.
FAC – Fine Arts Center
FA/DL – Fine Arts/Dual Language academy. The AISD opened two FA/DL academies in 2015, Corey and Jones. Bond 2014 funds were used to renovate and convert two existing elementary schools into the academies.
FF&E (or FFE) – Furniture, fixtures and equipment.
FFC – Financial Futures Committee. The purpose of the AISD FFC is to provide findings and recommendations from community stakeholders to the AISD Board of Trustees relating to budgets and long-range financial planning to support the district’s Strategic Plan.
FMP – Facilities master plan
HVAC – Heating, ventilation and air conditioning
IB – International Baccalaureate. The IB World School Programme is a diploma program offered at four AISD high schools – Arlington, Bowie, Lamar and Sam Houston.
IB PYP – International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. Crow Elementary has become Crow Leadership Academy and is the AISD’s first IB PYP school.
I&S – Interest and Sinking tax rate. Taxing entities (e.g., school districts, cities, counties) levy an I&S rate to generate the funds necessary to repay voter-approved bonds.
M&O – Maintenance and operations. The term is used for two purposes: 1) physical maintenance and operations of facilities and equipment; and 2) the maintenance & operations tax rate levied to fund the district’s day-to-day operating costs.
MAC – Multipurpose Activity Center. The AISD built a MAC at each of its six traditional high schools as part of the 2014 Bond program. The buildings each include: a sixty-yard turf field marked for multiple sports and activities, weight room, training room, locker rooms and meeting rooms.
MEP – Mechanical, electrical and plumbing
OAC – Owner, Architect and Contractor. An OAC meeting typically occurs weekly throughout a construction project and includes the owner of the facility under construction (AISD), project architect and project general contractor.
RTU – HVAC roof-top unit
SC – Steering Committee. The term refers to the 2019 Capital Needs Steering Committee
STEM – Science, technology, engineering and math. The AISD built two STEM labs in each elementary school as part of the 2014 Bond program. A high school STEM Academy program is housed at Martin High School.