In the week leading up to Arlington ISD graduations June 7 and 8, we are celebrating the Class of 2022 valedictorian and salutatorian for all seven Arlington ISD high schools.
Name: Haley Wehr, Salutatorian
School: Lamar High School
College: University of Texas at Arlington
Intended Major: Nursing
What is your dream and how do you plan to make it come true after graduation?
My ultimate dream is to serve on medical missions around the world. In order to fulfill this ambition, I must build up my knowledge base and develop necessary skills by studying diligently, shadowing medical professionals and learning more about other world cultures.
Who inspires you the most?
Mrs. Tillie Burgin is my greatest inspiration. Just by being around Mrs. Tillie, it is clear that she has a real heart for the Lord and for serving others. In April, I had the absolute privilege of completing my Scouts BSA eagle project at Mission Arlington, and in that time, Mrs. Tillie demonstrated immense leadership, gratitude and altruism that I will carry with me for the rest of my life.
What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?
My advice for incoming freshmen is to separate your academics from your self-worth. You are so much more than a test score, GPA or class ranking will ever encompass! If I could go back in time, I would pat my little freshman self on the head and tell her that the sting of a bad test grade will fade away, but the regret from a high school experience passed by will hurt much, much longer.
What’s been your favorite high school memory?
My favorite high school memory is my final performance with the Lamar High School Orchestra. On the evening of our spring concert, every last moment — from conducting the Alma Mater, to receiving my yellow rose, to surprising our assistant director with a live goldfish, to the beautiful ambiance of the CVPA — was especially precious as I got to reflect on my past four years as a part of the orchestra program alongside my closest friends.
How do you plan to make an impact on society in the future?
I plan on impacting society in the future by continuing to walk through life with an optimistic outlook. Our world today is weighed down by the burden of comparison, division and hatred; my personal mission is to live in a way that reveals to others the beauty of being alive and the joy of loving others.
What her teacher said …
“Haley is clearly a remarkable young woman. What makes her remarkable is her drive to improve herself and be a better person each day. As a student, Haley inspires me to make sure that my lessons involve both rigor and creativity. Haley is the student that every teacher hopes to have, and I have been ridiculously blessed to have her in my class.” – Rebecca Archer, English teacher
Can’t make it to graduation but you still want to be a part of the special day? If you’d like to watch Lamar High School’s graduation, visit aisd.net/graduation to livestream the ceremony. Be sure to tag @LamarVikingsAISD (Facebook), @LamarHigh (Twitter) and @lamarvikingsaisd (Instagram) and use #ArlingtonISD when capturing special moments of your graduate for a chance to be featured on Arlington ISD official social media pages.