Bookmobile gives students free books
Arlington ISD’s Arlo Bookmobile will have a lot more books to give out to students in July thanks to a big donation from MTO Shahmaghsoudi.
The local organization donated 2,000 books in hopes of getting kids more access to new, popular books. Since late May, the Bookmobile has been stopping at grocery stores, apartment complexes and schools to provide two free books to students.
“We’re so glad to help out because it’s all about sacrifice for us,” said Mahdi Dezham, MTO representative. “We know that kids come back to school stronger when they have access to reading materials over the summer, and we hope this helps. We’re devoted to charity and always focused on the needs of the community, so it’s our hope that it reaches the children.”
Mayor Jim Ross even stopped by to help unload the books and thank MTO for their contribution to Arlington ISD students.
“This donation means the world,” said Ross. “These books will give some kids the chance to read that may not have had this opportunity otherwise. I’m glad we’re working together because we all have the same goal and that’s to take care of our kids.”
It takes a village to help students, and none of this would be possible without the group that operates the Bookmobile, the Arlington ISD library media services department. The team is dedicated to creating learning experiences that help improve literacy.
“We’re so grateful for contributions like this because they keep us going,” said Lesley Cano, instructional specialist for library media services. “These may be the only books these kids get to own, so we want to make sure they’re getting nice, new or gently used books to enjoy at home.”
To catch the Arlo Bookmobile for the remaining Saturdays in July, check out the website for the full schedule.