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salutatorian 2024 from Seguin High School, Thao Ho
Posted in , , on June 12, 2024

Seguin HIGH salutatorian Thao Ho

It’s graduation season and we are celebrating the Class of 2024 valedictorian and salutatorian for all eight Arlington ISD high schools. Meet Seguin High School’s salutatorian Thao Ho.

NAME: Thao Ho

SCHOOL: Seguin High School

COLLEGE: University of Texas at Austin

INTENDED MAJOR: Computer science

〉What is one piece of advice you would give an incoming freshman?

Focus more on making friends, especially in your freshman year, because it’s going to be your easiest year in high school. I got to meet all my friends my freshman year and I was friends with them all four years and they were truly my support system to make it this far.

〉If you were a superhero, which one would you be and why?

The thing is I don’t watch that many superhero movies. The only one I really watched was Spiderman because I think he’s really cool. He’s very charismatic.

〉What are you most excited about after graduation?

I’m pretty excited to meet new people because, especially at a small school like Seguin, I’ve known these people for at least four years. One of my closest friends I’ve known for 14 years. I’ve known her since pre-K. I think going into college I’m going to see so many more people and so many different people from different backgrounds and I’m very excited to see that.

〉Who inspires you the most and why?

This is a very easy question for me. It’s my oldest brother (Hieu) because he was the very first child in our family to ever go to college. He was very driven. He didn’t do extremely well in high school but in college he studied super hard and worked so hard on top of being the translator for my parents whenever they needed help with the bills or with the taxes or with the internet system. He was the translator on top of managing school. He even made it to dental school and he’s graduating this year, and his work and his determination and his passion really inspires me. I can work hard to support my family in the future.

〉What’s been your favorite high school memory?

My favorite high school memory was the senior pep rally. I got to see a lot of people that I know, and I haven’t seen in a long time. I feel like it was a last goodbye because I may not be able to see those people at graduation. It was also really funny because our teachers got to loosen up and they performed a couple of dances. It was definitely memorable.