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Texas College Bridge is an online platform that prepares students for success in college freshman-level English and math courses. Current seniors and juniors may participate in these courses. Successful completion earns a certificate that can be used at more than 50 colleges and universities to begin college with credit-earning courses that count toward your degree plan. Find out more information about Texas College Bridge at

If you successfully completed Texas College Bridge this year and intend to enroll at TCC, please follow the steps outlined in this page: 

Texas College Bridge Credentials—Using TCB at TCC

Who: Graduating Seniors with TCB completed

What: How to Use them at TCC

When: Starting June 2022 - June 2024

Where: TCC

Why: To take English 1301 and a freshman math at TCC

Go to the Registrar’s Office on campus and turn in your TCB certificates and your transcripts. 

Do not confuse Texas College Bridge that you took in HS with the TCC “T3 Summer College Bridge.” 

 Students must go to the Registrar’s Office in person 

Bring a high school transcript, ID, and the TCB certificate 

 It may take up to 3 weeks to process so go now for July or August registration.