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FAFSA Application is open now! TASFA Application opens by December 1!

Tackle your Future

Don't let the cost of college get in the way of your future. Most students receive financial aid.
The FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or TASFA (Texas Application for State Financial Aid) is your first step toward money for ANY college, no matter where you go. Check out the information below and schedule an appointment with your high school GO Center staff members for help completing your application today! Applications open December 31.

Apply for Federal Student Aid using FAFSA

What is federal student aid?

It’s money from the federal government that helps you pay for college, career school, or graduate school expenses. Federal student aid is available through grants, work-study funds, and loans.

What documents do I need to complete the FAFSA?

  • An FSA ID for student and parent
  • Date of Birth for student and parent
  • Social Security Number or Alien Registration Number (if not a US citizen)
  • Federal income tax returns, W-2s and other records of money earned
  • Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
  • Records of untaxed income (if applicable)

More about FSA ID

Apply for State Financial Aid using TASFA

The Texas Application for State Financial Aid (TASFA) is used to collect information to help determine eligibility for state financial aid programs that are administered by institutions of higher education in the state of Texas. Students that are classified as a Texas Resident who cannot apply for federal financial aid using FAFSA are encouraged to complete the TASFA. The federal application covers federal and state financial aid opportunities. If you meet the FAFSA filing requirements, then you should submit a completed FAFSA. 

What documents do I need to complete the TASFA?

  • Senate Bill 1528 Affidavit
  • Federal income earned in 2020 (W-2s)
  • Student and parent tax return transcripts
  • Selective Service Registration Card/Letter (if male and at least age 18)

Steps to Success

  • FAFSA Step 1

    #1 FSA ID

    • Create this NOW before you begin the FAFSA
    • Enter personal information
    • Verify your phone and/or email address
    • Save it for future use
    • Do NOT share with anyone.

  • FAFSA step 2 new

    #2 Personal Info

    • Student and parent must provide concent in order to be eligible for federal financial aid
    • Complete questions about personal circumstances
    • If dependent, student invites parent
    • Demographic questions are required, but may select "prefer not to answer"

  • FAFSA step 3 new

    #3 Financial Info

    • Records of money you earned (W-2s, tax return, etc.)
    • IRS direct data retrieval exchange will pull tax info directly into FAFSA; consent must be given in order to be eligible for financial aid
    • Records of assets and/or investments
    • Any untaxed income

  • FAFSA step 4 new

    #4 Parent Info

    • Use dependency and parent information reporting guides for help
    • Required parent(s) must have a FSA ID to complete the FAFSA electronically

Access the Applications