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Learn about the Information Technology Career Cluster
Course Catalog
AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science A is equivalent to a first-semester, college-level course in computer science. The course introduces students to computer science with fundamental topics that include problem solving, design strategies and methodologies, organization of data (data structures), approaches to processing data (algorithms), analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing. The course emphasizes both object-oriented and imperative problem solving and design using Java language. These techniques represent proven approaches for developing solutions that can scale up from small, simple problems to large, complex problems. After completing this course, students are encouraged to take the Advanced Placement Computer Science A exam given by College Board. The student will receive two credits for this course, one for math and one for language other than English.
Course Location: Home Campus
Prerequisites: Algebra I
Principles of Information Technology
In Principles of Information Technology, students will develop computer literacy skills to adapt to emerging technologies used in the global marketplace. Students will implement personal and interpersonal skills to prepare for a rapidly evolving workplace environment; enhance reading, writing, computing, communication, and reasoning skills and apply them to the information technology environment.
Course Location: Home Campus
Computer Maintenance
#Certification opportunity: CompTIA A+ Students will acquire an understanding of hardware technologies, identify the purpose and function of computer components, explain how mobile devices connect and share data, and understand error messages and symptoms of hardware failures. They will have hands-on experience as they install and configure software programs, configure and verify network connections, and resolve hardware and software client problems.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: None
Computer Technician Practicum
In this unpaid lab and/or work based capstone course, students gain skill in the area of computer technologies, including advanced knowledge of electrical and electronic theory, computer principles, and components related to the installation, diagnosis, service, and repair of computer- based technology systems. They will demonstrate professional standards and employability skills required by business and industry. Students who wish to take this course must have their own transportation to travel to their practicum site(s). This is a capstone
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: Completion of interest form required before deadline. Refer to practicum information page at the end of the CTE section.
Practicum in Information Technology
In the Practicum in Information Technology, students will gain advanced knowledge and skills in the application, design, production, implementation, maintenance, evaluation, and assessment of products, services, and systems. Knowledge and skills in the proper use of analytical skills and application of IT concepts and standards are essential to prepare students for success in a technology-driven society. Critical thinking, IT experience, and product development will be experienced as an unpaid or paid internship. Students who wish to take this course must have their own transportation to travel to their practicum site(s). This is a capstone course for students that are completing a coherent sequence of courses within their specific career pathway.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: Completion of interest form required before deadline. Refer to practicum information page at the end of the CTE section.
Advanced Computer Science I
During the first year of computer science, students identify task requirements, plan search strategies, and use computer science concepts to access and evaluate information. Students learn digital citizenship by researching current laws and regulations and by practicing integrity and respect. No prior knowledge of computer science is assumed or required. This course can count towards one credit of the foreign language graduation requirement if followed by a second computer science course.
Course Location: Home Campus
Prerequisites: None
Web Design
Students will use digital media to communicate and work collaboratively; apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information; use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make decisions; understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology; practice
Course Location: Home Campus
Prerequisites: None
Web Design II (Independent Study)
#Certification Opportunity: Code HS Web Design Level I
This second year course will allow students who were successful in Web Design to apply more advanced skills as they publish and maintain websites. Students will learn more sophisticated web development techniques such as interactive forms and animation.
Course Location: Home Campus
Prerequisites: Web Design
Foundations of Cybersecurity
In the Foundations of Cybersecurity course, students will develop the knowledge and skills needed to explore fundamental concepts related to the ethics, laws, and operations of cybersecurity. Students will examine trends and operations of cyberattacks, threats, and vulnerabilities. Students will review and explore security policies designed to mitigate risks. The skills obtained in this course prepare students for additional study in cybersecurity. A variety of courses are available to students interested in this field. Foundations of Cybersecurity may serve as an introductory course in this field of study.
Course Location: Home Campus
AP Computer Science Principles
AP Computer Science Principles offers a multidisciplinary approach to teaching the underlying principles of computation. The course will introduce students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the Internet, cybersecurity concerns, and computing impacts. AP Computer Science Principles also gives students the opportunity to use current technologies to create computational artifacts for both self-expression and problem solving. Together, these aspects of the course make up a rigorous and rich curriculum that aims to broaden participation in computer science. After completing this course, students are encouraged to take the Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles exam given by the College Board. This course can count as one credit towards the foreign language graduation requirement.
Course Location: Home Campus
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Computer Science III
This course is designed for the student who has been successful in AP Computer Science A and anticipates a career in a technological field that requires computer science knowledge. Students design solutions using appropriate data structures including stacks, queues, priority queues, linked lists, binary trees, sets and maps. Individual projects may include participating on a programming team, robotics, or survey of other programming or scripting languages. This course can count as one foreign language credit towards the graduation requirements.
Course Location: Home Campus
Coding in Python Cs I
This course begins the progression of the Coding in Python sequence, introducing the early fundamentals of coding. It blends detailed technical knowledge with engaging coursework, allowing students free-range creativity without sacrificing academic rigor. The course emphasizes logical thinking and problem-solving, critical thinking, and real-world coding application. Students taking this course will receive the basic tools and building-blocks to code not only the assigned programs, but also to design and develop their own unique games and interactive experiences. This course can count as one foreign language credit towards the graduation requirement.
Course Location:
Prerequisites: None
Entrepreneurship I
This course will introduce students to the entrepreneurial mindset and the basic skills necessary to become an entrepreneur. The primary focus is identifying business opportunities using Design Thinking, creating a business plan using Lean Start-Up, and developing a plan to organize and promote the business. In addition, students may get opportunities throughout the year to enhance their entrepreneurial skillset, including; creating a pop up business, competing in pitch competitions, and participating in other networking events.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: None
Mobile Applications Development
In this course, students will design and implement applications designed for mobile devices. Students will identify task requirements, plan strategies, and use programming concepts to develop and test applications for a variety of purposes and platforms.
Course Location: Home Campus
Prerequisites: Algebra I
Coding in Python Cs II
#Certification Opportunity: PCEP-Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer This course builds on the basics learned in CS1261, rounding out the students’ knowledge of CS coding fundamentals. The course introduces image-based graphics, allowing students to produce the sorts of familiar games and dynamic interactive programs that they are already enthusiastic about. Emphasis is on code organization and the process of designing larger programs. This course can count as one foreign language credit towards the graduation requirement.
Course Location:
Prerequisites: Coding in Python CS I
Coding in Python Cs III
The second half of the Python curriculum begins to cover more advanced CS topics in more depth, compared to previous courses. Students begin to learn the advanced coding skills that truly prepare them to write detailed, realistic programs, as well as learning all the tricks and techniques that can give their personal programs the next level of polish and creative expression. This course can count as one foreign language credit towards the graduation requirements.
Course Location:
Prerequisites: Coding in Python CS II
Practicum in Entrepreneurship
The Practicum enables students to gain first-hand entrepreneurial experience within a structured, supportive context. In addition to applying the knowledge acquired during previous courses, students will also learn – and put into practice – valuable new tools and techniques that can help identify, assess, and pursue attractive business opportunities. During multiple team-based projects students will gain hands-on experience in a broad range of important entrepreneurial activities. Students who wish to take this course must have their own transportation to travel to their practicum site(s). This course may serve as a capstone in multiple pathways.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: Completion of interest form required before deadline.