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Learn about the Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Career Cluster

Course Catalog
Entrepreneurship I
This course will introduce students to the entrepreneurial mindset and the basic skills necessary to become an entrepreneur. The primary focus is identifying business opportunities using Design Thinking, creating a business plan using Lean Start-Up, and developing a plan to organize and promote the business. In addition, students may get opportunities throughout the year to enhance their entrepreneurial skillset, including; creating a pop up business, competing in pitch competitions, and participating in other networking events.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: None
Automotive Technology I
#Certification opportunity: S/P2 Safety Automotive; ASE Automotive Certifications
Students will study the major automotive systems and the principles of diagnosing and servicing these systems as well as the applicable safety and environmental rules and regulations. They will gain knowledge and skills in the repair, maintenance, and diagnosis of vehicle systems; tool identification; and proper tool and equipment use.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: None
Automotive Technology II
#Certification opportunity: ASE Certifications
Students will expand on the knowledge and skills developed in Automotive Technology I as they use critical-thinking skills and structured problem-solving skills to diagnose vehicle malfunctions, solve problems, make decisions, and perform more challenging service operations. Students will also become more skilled at reading and interpreting documents such as schematics, charts, diagrams, graphs, parts catalogs, and service-repair manuals. Career options and employability skills will be emphasized.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: Automotive Technology I
Practicum in Transportation
This course is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills in an unpaid arrangement appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Students will demonstrate proper job search procedures, interview techniques, professional dress and appearance, interpersonal skills, and technical skills in their practicum placement locations. Students who wish to take this course must have their own transportation in order to be able to travel to their practicum site(s). This is a capstone course for students that are completing a coherent sequence of courses within their specific career pathway.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: Automotive Tech II
Practicum in Entrepreneurship
The Practicum enables students to gain first-hand entrepreneurial experience within a structured, supportive context. In addition to applying the knowledge acquired during previous courses, students will also learn – and put into practice – valuable new tools and techniques that can help identify, assess, and pursue attractive business opportunities. During multiple team-based projects students will gain hands-on experience in a broad range of important entrepreneurial activities. Students who wish to take this course must have their own transportation to travel to their practicum site(s). This course may serve as a capstone in multiple pathways.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: Completion of interest form required before deadline.