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Learn about the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster
Course Catalog
Principals of Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
This course provides a foundation for students pursuing careers in food safety, animal breeding and health, and farming efficiency. They will develop leadership skills in the student organization and through their supervised agriculture experience as they study and develop technical knowledge and skills related to plant and soil systems, animal systems, and food products and processing systems. They will learn to perform basic power, structural and technical system skills in ag applications and will study the relationship of agriculture, food, and natural resources to that of safety, health, and the environment
Course Location: Home Campus
Prerequisites: None
Landscape Design and Management
Students develop an understanding of landscape design and management techniques and practices. To prepare for careers in horticultural systems, students must attain academic skills and knowledge, acquire technical knowledge and skills related to horticultural systems and the workplace, and develop knowledge and skills regarding career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations.
Course Location: Home Campus
Prerequisites: None
Entrepreneurship I
This course will introduce students to the entrepreneurial mindset and the basic skills necessary to become an entrepreneur. The primary focus is identifying business opportunities using Design Thinking, creating a business plan using Lean Start-Up, and developing a plan to organize and promote the business. In addition, students may get opportunities throughout the year to enhance their entrepreneurial skillset, including; creating a pop up business, competing in pitch competitions, and participating in other networking events.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: None
Agricultural Mechanics and Metal Technologies
Students will acquire technical knowledge and skills related to power, structural, and technical agricultural systems including principles of electricity and wiring, plumbing, concrete construction, carpentry, fencing, and hot and cold metal techniques. Students will learn to safely use hand tools as well as oxy-fuel welding and cutting equipment and electric-arc welding equipment.
Course Location: Ag Science Center
Prerequisites: None
Agricultural Structures Design & Fabrication
In Agricultural Structures Design and Fabrication, students will explore career opportunities, entry requirements, and industry expectations. To prepare for careers in mechanized agriculture and technical systems, students must attain knowledge and skills related to agricultural structures design and fabrication.
Course Location: Ag Science Center
Prerequisites: None
Practicum in Agriculture: General
Practicum in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources is designed to give students supervised practical application of knowledge and skills. Practicum experiences can occur in a variety of locations appropriate to the nature and level of experiences such as employment, independent study, internships, assistantships, mentorships, or laboratories. The practicum course is a paid or unpaid capstone experience for students participating in a coherent sequence of career and technical education courses in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster
Course Location: Ag Science Center
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: a minimum of two credits with at least one course in a Level 2 or higher course from the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster. Completion of interest form required before deadline.
Small Animal Management
Students will identify and develop skills and knowledge needed to take advantage of career and entrepreneurship opportunities in the field of small animal care and management. They will learn about the domestication and influence of small animals on society; physical characteristics, breeds, and habitat of different species; proper use of lab equipment; and disease transmission and prevention. Animal species may include, but are not limited to: small mammals, amphibians, reptiles, birds, dogs, and cats.
Course Location: Home Campus
Prerequisites: None
Livestock Production
Students will assess the importance of U.S. livestock production on the world commodity markets as they study livestock breeding and nutrition, commodity prices and costs, and business operations. They will learn to track performance data; describe common veterinary procedures and skills; practice animal restraint techniques; and explain the anatomy and physiology related to nutrition, reproduction, health, and management. Species to be addressed may include, but are not limited to, beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep, goats, and poultry.
Course Location: Career Tech Center, Ag Science Center
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Animal Science
Students will examine the interrelatedness of human, scientific, and technological dimensions of livestock production through both field and laboratory investigations using scientific methods and equipment. They will study principles of breeding, reproduction, genetics and heredity; anatomy and physiology of different livestock species; nutritional requirements of ruminant and non-ruminant animals; and animal diseases and parasites. This course satisfies a high school science graduation requirement.
Course Location: Ag Science Center
Prerequisites: Biology and Chemistry or IPC: Algebra I and Geometry: and either Small Animal Management, or Live Stock Production.
Veterinary Medical Applications
Students will explore career opportunities in the veterinary field as they learn to perform veterinary assistant tasks. They will study animal systems and care, veterinary hospital management, and medical terminology. They will explore animal identification, characteristics, behavior, and temperament; the purpose and function of body systems; animal diseases; and nutritional requirements. Students will learn to support animal doctors and technicians in their daily tasks by cleaning and maintaining equipment, feeding, exercising and grooming patients, preparing and sanitizing surgery suites, and restraining and handling patients.
Course Location: Ag Science Center
Prerequisites: Small Animal Management or Livestock Production
Practicum in Agriculture: Veterinary Assistant
#Certification opportunity: Certified Veterinarian Assistant, Level 1. This capstone course is designed to give students an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for taking the Certified Veterinary Assistant exam. They will work both in the classroom and in unpaid positions in local animal clinics in preparation for this exam. Students will demonstrate proper job search procedures, interview techniques, professional dress and appearance, interpersonal skills, and technical skills in their practicum placement locations. Students who wish to take this course must have their own transportation in order to be able to travel to their practicum site(s).
Course Location: Ag Science Center
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: a minimum of two credits with at least one course in a Level 2 or higher course from the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster. Completion of interest form required before deadline.
Floral Design
#Certification opportunity: Texas State Florist’s Association Knowledge Based Floral Certification #Certification opportunity: Texas State Florist’s Association Level I Floral Certification Students will analyze and create floral designs through the identification of design principles and techniques in floral art and interiorscapes, using cut flowers as well as silk flowers. They will develop skill in the management factors of floral enterprises such as: control of temperature, preservatives, and cutting techniques; identification of tools, chemicals, and equipment used in floral design; and management of pests. This course satisfies the fine arts graduation requirement.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: None
Horticulture Science
Students will identify career and entrepreneurial opportunities in the field of horticulture as they develop technical skills in the management and production of horticultural plants. The greenhouse is used to provide hands-on experience as students learn to classify plants, manage the horticultural production environment, propagate plants, create designs and landscapes using plants, and describe the processes of fruit, nut, and vegetable production.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Floral Design
In this course, students build on the knowledge from the Floral Design course and are introduced to more advanced floral design concepts, with an emphasis on specialty designs and specific occasion planning. This course focuses on building skills in advanced floral design and providing students with a thorough understanding of the design elements and planning techniques used to produce unique specialty floral designs that support the goals and objectives of a specific occasion or event.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: Floral Design
Practicum in Agriculture: Plant Science
This course is designed to give students supervised practical application of previously studied knowledge and skills in an unpaid arrangement appropriate to the nature and level of experience. Students will demonstrate proper job search procedures, interview techniques, professional dress and appearance, interpersonal skills, and technical skills in their practicum placement locations. Students who wish to take this course may or may not need to have their own transportation, dependent on their practicum site(s). This is a capstone course for students that are completing a coherent sequence of courses within their specific career pathway.
Course Location: Ag Science Center
Prerequisites: Prerequisite: a minimum of two credits with at least one course in a Level 2 or higher course from the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources Career Cluster. Completion of interest form required before deadline.
Practicum in Entrepreneurship
The Practicum enables students to gain first-hand entrepreneurial experience within a structured, supportive context. In addition to applying the knowledge acquired during previous courses, students will also learn – and put into practice – valuable new tools and techniques that can help identify, assess, and pursue attractive business opportunities. During multiple team-based projects students will gain hands-on experience in a broad range of important entrepreneurial activities. Students who wish to take this course must have their own transportation to travel to their practicum site(s). This course may serve as a capstone in multiple pathways.
Course Location: Career Tech Center
Prerequisites: Completion of interest form required before deadline.