Table of Contents
A - E
AISD Advanced Academics
Street Address: 690 E. Lamar Arlington, Texas 76011
Primary Point of Contact: Dr. Karen Zeske -
Phone Number: 682-867-0089
Brief Description of Organization Services: The Advanced Academics department supports the following programs:
Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Gifted and Talented, AVID, Dual Credit and OnRamps, College Testing, and Academic Contests such as Academic Decathlon, Spelling Bee, Destination Imagination, and UIL. The department’s goal is to provide opportunity and supports for college readiness for all students so they can meet their potential. District leads on each individual program can be found on the department Website. -
AISD Adult Education and Literacy
Street Address: 600 New York; Arlington, TX 76010 (office currently closed – staff working remotely)
Primary Point of Contact: Heather Kubiak -
Phone Number: 682-867-2383
Secondary Phone Number: 682-867-2387
Brief Description of Organization Services: Adult Education and Literacy provides free English (ESL), high school equivalency (GED), and job training classes to adults in the Arlington community. The job training programs all lead to industry certifications.
Classes are normally held in locations throughout Arlington, however all classes are currently being taught remotely. Please check our Facebook page for updates. -
AISD Family Literacy Program
Street Address: The Family Literacy Program is located in the portables that face Carter Dr. at Veda Knox Elementary School.
Primary Point of Contact: Paula Garzon -
Phone Number: 682-867-7267 | 682-867-4619
Brief Description of Organization Services: The goal of the Family Literacy Program is to help our parents be successful partners in their children’s education. We offer ESL and ABE/GED classes for parents of children in Arlington ISD Title 1 schools. Our dedicated and experienced instructors assist parents to gain or improve literacy skills as well as preparing to take the GED exam. Also included is our Early Childhood Classroom(ECC) for our adult students' children. Our classes are free of charge; including classes at the ECC. -
AISD Food and Nutrition Services
Street Address: 5618 W. Arkansas Lane, Arlington, TX 76016
Primary Point of Contact: Debbie Harmon -
Phone Number: 682-867-7888
Secondary Phone Number: 682-867-7880
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Food and Nutrition Services manages all aspects of school breakfast, lunch, and after-school meals including the USDA free and reduced-price meal benefits program. -
AISD HR Recruiting and Sourcing
Street Address: 690 E. Lamar Blvd., Arlington, TX 76011
Primary Point of Contact: Michelle Trussell - and/or
Phone Number: Application Questions - (682) 867-7212
Hiring Process Questions - (682) 867-7213
Substitute Questions - (682) 867-7235
All Other Questions - (682) 867-7290
Additional Website: Job Board and Online Application
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The purpose of Human Resources is to provide exemplary support to our district employees and external customers and ultimately contribute to an outstanding education for our students.
The Human Resources Recruitment, Sourcing, and Substitutes (Jobs) group manages the recruitment function of AISD from candidate sourcing to placement.
They are also the Primary Point of Contact for internal and external applicants. -
AISD Intervention Program - Department of Guidance and Counseling
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: Telisa Brown -
Phone Number: 682-867-7534
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Intervention Specialists support students, families, and communities by providing information, counseling, early intervention, and referral services concerning substance abuse issues. -
AISD Newcomer Center
Street Address: 600 SE Green Oaks Blvd.
Arlington, TX 76018
Primary Point of Contact: Robyn Anaya, Immigrant Support Specialist -
Phone Number: 682-867-7100
Secondary Phone Number: 682-867-7104
Brief Description of Organization Services:
We provide education for 7th – 11th grade students that are new to the country, helping them acquire academic and language skills to help them be successful.Brindamos educación para estudiantes de 7º a 11º grado que son nuevos en el país, ayudándoles a adquirir habilidades académicas y lenguaje para ayudarlos a tener éxito.
AISD Parent and Community Engagement
Street Address: 1141 W. Pioneer Pkwy
Arlington, TX 76013
Primary Point of Contact: Aaron Perales, Director of Parent and Community Engagement -
Phone Number: 682-867-7715
Secondary Phone Number: 682-867-7721
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Arlington ISD Parent and Community Engagement Department will serve the AISD learning community by fostering relationships through engaging, educating and empowering the community to directly support student success.
The PACE Department supports family engagement at all AISD campuses by:
Providing opportunities for AISD parents to become equipped with the knowledge, training, and resources needed to assist with their child's academic growth through a variety of workshops and seminars
Providing Professional Development opportunities for teachers and staff on best practices to effectively engage all AISD families
Facilitating community partnerships to support student success
Supporting Volunteerism at all AISD campuses through recruitment and training of volunteers and AISD staff. -
AISD Special Education
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: Cindy Brown, Director -
Phone Number: (682) 867-7690
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Child Find is a district obligation to identify, locate, and evaluate children who live within the school district’s boundaries to determine a need for special education services.
Special services are available to infants, children, and young adults identified with a disability.
If you know of a child or youth with disabilities who is not in school or receiving special assistance, please encourage the parent to contact Special Education at 682-867-7690. -
AISD Special Olympics
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: Wendy Harvey & Antrice Newsome -
Phone Number: 817-819-5006 – Wendy Harvey
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The purpose of Special Olympics is to encourage physical activity, increase knowledge of health and fitness strategies, and assist in the acquisition of individual lifetime recreation activities and skills associated with team and individual sports for students with disabilities.
Arlington ISD Special Olympics is designed for students with disabilities, but also provides the General education population an excellent experience of working together as a peer tutor and role model in our unified team sports program. This is a once in a lifetime unique experience. -
AISD Student Outreach Services
Street Address: 4814 W. Arkansas Blvd. Arlington, TX 76016
Primary Point of Contact:
Elizabeth Higgens - Specialist
Phone Number: 682-867-7203
Brief Description of Organization Services: Student Outreach Services collectively maximizes internal/external resources to enhance the social-emotional well-being and academic success of students. Our staff work with students to provide supports and interventions aimed at increasing resiliency skills for improving social interactions and increasing academic progress.
Our department encompasses the following program areas:1) Families in Transition
2) Pregnancy, Education, and Parenting
3) Pathways to Success
4) SOS Title I Supports
5) Foster Care -
AISD World Languages
Street Address: 690 E. Lamar Blvd. Arlington, TX 76011
Primary Point of Contact:
Secretary: Briseida Hernandez,
Elementary Lead: Deborah Strand,
Secondary Lead: Dr. Ruth Martin,
Phone Number: 682-867-7449
Brief Description of Organization Services: The primary mission of the district's World Languages Department is to meet the educational needs of each student whose native language is not English (Bilingual/ESL) and those of English speaking students who are learning a language other than English (LOTE). -
Alpha Ambassador Leadership Program
Street Address: PO Box 654
Arlington, TX 76004-0653
Primary Point of Contact: Ronald Bryant – Program Director -
Phone Number: No phone – we utilize email as our primary form of communication
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Alpha Ambassadors is a mentorship program for boys 7-12th grade. Our program model is built on the following four areas
STEM, Leadership and personal development, College and Career Readiness, and Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship. We meet monthly and deliver engaging content and innovative activities to assist our young men in discovering their path to a life of success and purpose. If your son needs positive male mentors in their life, please reach out for more information on our program. -
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®- Xi Theta Omega Chapter, Arlington, Texas
Street Address: PO Box 151534, Arlington, Texas, 76015
Primary Point of Contact: Tiffany Egan, President,
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Alpha Kappa Alpha is the first African American Sorority established January 15, 1908 on the historical black college campus, Howard University, in Washington, DC. Xi Theta Omega Chapter has had the privilege of serving Arlington, Texas and the surrounding communities since May 14, 1982. We offer numerous programs that target the youth including #CAPSM (College Admission Process)-a step-by-step approach to facilitate college admission from researching various institutions and submitting applications through completion of the enrollment process for students in grades 11-12, and ACOLYTES (Arlington Community of Lovely Young Teens Excelling in Service)-a teen organization for young ladies in grades 7-12. -
Arlington Charities Inc.
Street Address: 811 Secretary Drive
Arlington, TX 76015
Primary Point of Contact:
Phone Number: 817-275-1511
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Arlington Charities offers a drive through pantry Monday through Friday. Call for same day appointments at 817-275-1511. On the 4th Friday of the month, we offer a Mobile Pantry. Starts at 9am until the food is gone. Open to anyone without the need of an appointment. We offer Utility Assistance for crisis situations to Arlington residents and/or those with children in AISD. -
Arlington Collegiate High School
Street Address: 2224 Southeast Parkway, Arlington, TX 76018
Primary Point of Contact: Brenda Collins -
Phone Number: 817.515.3550
Brief Description of Organization Services:
A partnership with Tarrant County College Southeast Campus which allows students who would not otherwise consider attending college the opportunity to earn a high school diploma and up to an associate’s degree (two years of college) in four years. A focus of the school is to create a seamless transition between high school and college. -
Arlington Council of PTAs
Street Address: 1203 W. Pioneer Parkway
Arlington, TX 76013
Primary Point of Contact: Jeannie Deakyne, President - N/A
Phone Number: N/A
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Let us help connect you with the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) resources at your child’s school! The Arlington Council of PTAs is a district-wide resource that actively encourages parent and family involvement in our schools, educates our local PTA units through training, supports our current PTA membership, and promotes the organization of new PTAs at all AISD campuses. Our mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children! -
Arlington DFW Child Care
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: Jerletha McDonald -
Phone Number: 214-986-1912
Brief Description of Organization Services:
to provide quality training, to encourage all providers to obtain their director credentials, or CDA certification along with furthering their education by obtaining an associate or bachelor degree in child development or a closely related field.
Quality & Accreditation
Encourage all providers to become Texas rising Star, or NAFCC accredited.
Peer Support
to support providers, share ideas and fellowship with one another. -
Arlington Foundation for Excellence in Education
Street Address: PO Box 150301
Arlington, TX 76015
Primary Point of Contact: Tamika W. Tutt -
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Arlington Foundation for Excellence in Education (501c3) was formed in 2004 by members of the Xi Theta Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. The purpose is to enhance the educational and personal development of youth and provide financial assistance to students pursuing higher education at an accredited college or university through the following activities:
The Family Expo
YES! (Youth Education Success) Summit
Dr. Barbara Odom-Wesley Spirit of Achievement Scholarship
Elzie Odom Leader of Tomorrow Scholarship
Winter Emerald & Gold Scholarship Ball and Debutante Presentation -
Arlington Life Shelter
Street Address: 325 W. Division St.
Arlington, TX 76011
Primary Point of Contact: N/A -
Phone Number: 817-548-9885
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Arlington Life Shelter offers temporary shelter for homeless women, men, and families in the Arlington area. Length of stay is 3 days to 12 weeks depending on eligibility. The shelter offers an employment program that focuses on financial stability, employment stability, and housing stability. For more information regarding intake and eligibility, please call (817) 548-9885. -
Arlington Mansfield Area YMCA
Street Address: 2200 S. Davis
Arlington, Texas 76013
Primary Point of Contact: Emily Swanson, Executive Director Central Branch and Youth Engagement Services -
Phone Number: 817-274-9622
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Y is a cause-driven organization that is for youth development, for healthy living and for social responsibility. In addition to being a fitness facility, we provide a variety of programs for children, adults, families and seniors including swim lessons, group fitness, summer camp, afterschool care, enrichment, youth sports and more. -
Arlington Masonic Lodge # 438 AF&AM
Street Address: 1415 West Abram St.
Arlington, TX 76013
Primary Point of Contact: Richard Gaddis, Secretary -
Phone Number: 817-274-7591
Brief Description of Organization Services:
“The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls”
(Ages 11 – 20). Developing leadership skills, service to the community, and respect for all.
“DEMOLAY International for Young Men”
(Ages 12-21) Developing leadership skills & civic awareness.
“Take Time Read Program” Elementary Schools.
High School Scholarship Awards (All locations)
Lamar Medal for a Promising Jr. High Student
Teacher of Excellence Awards -
Arlington Municipal Court
Street Address: 101 S. Mesquite Street
Arlington, Texas 76010
Primary Point of Contact: Jake Medrano, Court Administrator
Teresa Evans, Associate Judge -
Phone Number: (817) 459-6945
(817) 459-6970
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Traffic Safety Information for parents, young drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians; Information to prevent Impaired, Distracted or Aggressive Driving; US Constitutions -
Arlington Police Department – Victim Services
Street Address: 610 W. Division Street, Arlington, TX 76011
Primary Point of Contact: Laurie Lawson, LMSW -
Phone Number: 817-459-5339
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Victim Services with the Arlington Police Department provides crisis intervention to victims of crime including domestic violence, sexual assault, assault, robbery, and many other crimes. We assist victims with application for protective orders, Crime Victims’ Compensation and we connect victims with other applicable resources. Victim Services is a liaison for the victim with other police personnel to obtain current information about the status of their police reports and investigations. Victim Services also provides assistance to juveniles and their families. -
Arlington Public Library
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: N/A
Phone Number: 817-459-6900
Secondary Phone Number: N/A
Additional Website: English:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Arlington Public Library is opening a new location this fall! We are excited to invite the east Arlington community to their new library branch, the East Library and Recreation Center! Call us or go to our Website to get your free library card to check out books, use computers, and participate in children’s and adult programming. -
Arlington Urban Ministries
Street Address: 701 Dugan St.
Arlington, TX 76010
Primary Point of Contact: Elizabeth Brown, Program Case Manager -
Phone Number: 817-861-8585
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Arlington Urban Ministries provides emergency assistance for utilities, food, and rent for those in crisis in Arlington. -
Army ROTC hosted by the University of Texas at Arlington
Street Address: The University of Texas at Arlington
Box 19005, College Hall, Rm 109
Arlington, TX 76019
Primary Point of Contact: Kevin Smith -
Phone Number: 817-658-4223
Secondary Phone Number: 817-272-3281
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The mission of the Maverick Battalion hosted at UT-Arlington is to recruit, educate, train, and inspire future leaders of character committed to the Army values. ROTC cadets are prepared to lead in a complex environment as officers in the Army dedicated to a lifetime of service to the nation. ROTC is a college class that teaches leadership and management. If you are ready for a challenging career in the Army or if you would like to try ROTC without a military obligation, please contact us the Phone Number or email address listed above. ROTC and civilian-based scholarships are available.
The Maverick Battalion consists of the University of Texas at Arlington, University of North Texas - Denton, Texas Women’s University - Denton, University of Texas at Dallas, University of Dallas, Southern Methodist University, Dallas Baptist University, Texas A&M at Commerce, all of the Tarrant County College campuses and all of the Collin County Colleges. -
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Street Address: 205 W Main St
Arlington, TX 76010
Primary Point of Contact: Cassy Rodriguez - N/A
Phone Number: (888) 887-2447
Brief Description of Organization Services:
At Big Brothers Big Sisters, we believe that every child has the potential to achieve their biggest possible future! Our focus is to safely and effectively pair ONE volunteer (“Big”) with ONE child (“Little”) in one of three core mentoring programs. Each mentoring relationship (“match”) is monitored and supported to ensure long and enduring, positive and meaningful relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of the children served, their families, the mentor, and generations to follow. Arm your child with another awesome adult. As a parent and guardian, you recognize the potential of your child better than anyone. By providing them with an extra caring adult, you’re continuing to help to set them on the path to success. -
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Tarrant County
Street Address: 3218 East Belknap
Fort Worth, TX 76111
Primary Point of Contact: Shon Dorsey -
Phone Number: 817-834-4711
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Tarrant County offers after school and summer enrichment programs focused on developing the skills and habits that lead to Academic Success, Healthy Lifestyles, and Good Character and Leadership in young people. The organization serves children and youth ages 6-18 in traditional branch sites, and PK-6th grade in our licensed school sites. Safety is our number one priority, and our highly trained staff teams of professional youth development specialists are committed to ensure that every child has an optimal Club experience the moment they set foot inside our doors. -
Catholic Charities Fort Worth
Street Address: 249 W Thornhill Dr
Fort Worth TX 76115
Primary Point of Contact: Kasandra Fernandez -
Phone Number: 817-805-4198
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Padua is a case management program that works with families to reach their long-term financial goals and bigger, brighter future. Those enrolled will receive support from Case Managers, coaches, and specialists for as long as it takes to reach financial self-sufficiency. This program will help you solve problems and coordinate the resources you will need along the way. Padua challenges clients, case management teams and community partners to move beyond the transactional nature of service delivery to the transformational possibilities of long term, holistic case management, allowing clients the bandwidth to hope and plan for a bigger, brighter future. -
City of Arlington – Animal Service
Street Address: 1000 S E Green Oaks Blvd.
Arlington, TX 76018
Primary Point of Contact: Brittany Clark -
Phone Number: 817-459-6183
Secondary Phone Number: 817-459-5898
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Arlington Animal Services/ City of Arlington hosts an essay contest each year, this annual competition inspires Arlington students in grades three through six to pen essays on topics relating to responsible pet ownership. -
City of Arlington – Parks and Recreation
Street Address: 717 W Main Street, Arlington TX 76013
Primary Point of Contact:
Phone Number: 817-459-5474
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Our programs and facilities offer activities for all ages, including youth sports, adult sports, after school, day camp, senior activities, fitness classes, and much more. There are multiple locations around Arlington with a variety of amenities for all ages. -
City of Arlington Housing Authority
Street Address: 501 W. Sanford Street, Suite 20
Arlington, Texas 76011
Primary Point of Contact: Marisa Loera -
Phone Number: 817-276-6707
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Visit the Website to learn more about rental assistance, housing rehabilitation, homeless services, landlord services, Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS), homeowner assistance, and more! -
Cook Children’s Health Plan
Street Address: P.O Box 2488
Fort Worth, TX 76113-2488
Primary Point of Contact: Wendy Sosa, Marketing Representative -
Phone Number: 682-303-2090
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Cook Children’s Health Plan is one of the Managed Care Organizations (MCO’S) that offers Medicaid, CHIP and Star Kids to those who qualify based on their household family income set forth by the government. -
Crime Stoppers of Tarrant County
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: N/A
Phone Number: 817-469-8477
Brief Description of Organization Services:
It’s safe and anonymous to say what you saw, what you heard, and what you know when reporting a crime, use of alcohol and drugs, code of conduct violations, any type of bullying or harassment, dating or family violence, gang activity, weapons, sexting, sexual harassment, inappropriate online behavior or suicidal thoughts in your school or in your neighborhood.
Download the P3 Tips or CCS FFL app, go online or call. You may receive money for your tips. -
Department of Family & Protective Services
Child Protective Investigations & Child Protective Services, Region 3 WestStreet Address: 1200 E. Copeland Rd.
Arlington, TX
Primary Point of Contact: N/A
Phone Number: 817-792-4400
Secondary Phone Number: 800-252-5400 24 Hour Abuse Hotline
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) works with communities to promote safe and healthy families and protect children and vulnerable adults from abuse, neglect, and exploitation. We do this through investigations, services and referrals, and prevention programs. -
Early Childhood Services - a division of MHMR of Tarrant County
Street Address: 3840 Hulen Street, Suite 100, Ft. Worth TX 76107
Primary Point of Contact: N/A
Phone Number: 844-NTX KIDS (844-698-5437)
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Early Childhood Services (ECS), a division of MHMR of Tarrant County, supports families with children from birth up to age 6 across a 12-county region, including Arlington/Tarrant County. ECS offers Family Support Coaching home/virtual visits, parent education and developmental groups, and other programs to support young children. ECS also operates Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) which serves children (birth up to age 3) who have a developmental delay or disability, or who are at risk for delay due to a medical condition. For more information on how we can support your family, please call us at 844-NTX-KIDS (844-689-5437) or visit For ECI please visit -
Easterseals North Texas – Work Incentives Planning Assistance Program (WIPA)
Street Address: 1424 Hemphill St.
Fort Worth, TX 76104
Primary Point of Contact: Linda Baker, Program Director -
Phone Number: 817-759-7929
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Learn how your disability benefits can be affected by work. Keep your medical coverage while working. Receive a personalized benefits analysis and plan. Properly use any work incentive for which you are eligible.
F - R
Fielder Church
Street Address: 2011 S. Fielder Road, Arlington, TX 76013
Primary Point of Contact: Pastor Jason Peredas – lead pastor - Jared Yates – Missions pastor
Phone Number: 817-459-8500
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Thriving local church with a mission to share the love of Jesus in the community. -
Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains
Street Address: 4901 Briarhaven Rd.
Fort Worth, TX 76109
Primary Point of Contact: Lynnette Barton -
Phone Number: 1-800-582-7272
Secondary Phone Number: 1-800-582-1357 ext. 1304
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Girl Scouts helps girls be their best, bravest, boldest selves through exciting opportunities, activities, and the values of the Girl Scout Promise and Law. Whether she’s making a new friend, finishing a school project, or speaking up for what’s right, a Girl Scout faces the world with confidence and optimism. Groups of Girl Scouts (called troops), supported by adult leaders, typically meet regularly to try new things, help others, and learn about their world. On any given day, there are Girl Scouts climbing mountains, painting murals, coding robots, feeding the hungry, and even writing new laws to make the world a better place. -
Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce
Street Address: 505 E. Border Street
Arlington, TX 76010
Primary Point of Contact: Alicia Collins-Butler - Director of Education, Workforce & Community Development -
Phone Number: 817-275-2613
Secondary Phone Number: 817-543-4304
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Partners in Education (PIE) is a proud partner of the Arlington ISD. We bridge the gap between the business community and the educational process. PIE exclusively serves the AISD by implementing initiatives to provide a continuum of career exploration and mentorship in K-12 education. We build a better workforce through our tiered engagement model which allows businesses to engage in the educational process. In turn, their engagement provides AISD students invaluable exposure to various industries and career opportunities while cultivating a workforce pipeline for their businesses. -
Help Me Grow North Texas
Street Address: 3840 Hulen Street, Suite 100, Ft. Worth TX 76107
Primary Point of Contact: N/A -
Phone Number: 844-NTX KIDS (844-698-5437)
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Help Me Grow North Texas provides an information line that connects your family to child development services and other community-based resources within your area. When calling 844-NTX-KIDS (844-689-5437) Help Me Grow Navigators answer the phone and:
Offer free developmental screenings for any child
age 0-6 to help parents understand typical child development
Help in answering pregnancy, parenting and child development questions
Link families to community-based programs and resources that best fit their needs.
Ensures families are connected to the resources they need post-phone-call through on ongoing support via phone, text, or email -
Hispanic Heritage Ambassadors DFW
Street Address: P.O. Box 541912, Grand Prairie, Texas 75054
3801 Matlock Rd., Arlington, TX 76015
Primary Point of Contact: Mary Dominguez-Santini -
Phone Number: 972-480-7501
Brief Description of Organization Services:
We have a dual mission, empower embrace excel underserved women, and promote cultural awareness thru educational forums, community partnerships, festivals, school functions. Topics, mental/suicide awareness, immigration, cultural diversity, empowerment and scholarships. -
HOPE Tutoring Center, Inc.
Street Address: 2020 S Collins, Arlington, TX 76010
Primary Point of Contact: Kathy Mitchell -
Phone Number: 817-860-7757
Brief Description of Organization Services:
HOPE Tutoring offers free, one-on-one tutoring for students in grades 3 through 8. Virtual and in-person options are available. -
Street Address: 4381 W. Green Oaks Blvd., Suite 100
Arlington, TX 76016
Primary Point of Contact: Leslie Birdow -
Phone Number: 817-265-9158
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
inspirED was established in 2014 by Higher Education Servicing Corporation with the mission to inspire students to achieve a higher education by promoting a college-going and career-focused culture through educational outreach activities, services and community partnerships. Our GO Center Mentors can help with the following areas
FAFSA/TASFA Assistance · College Search Assistance · College Application Assistance · Major and Career Exploration · ACT/SAT/TSI Registration and Prep · Scholarship Search · Financial Literacy -
Junior League of Arlington
Street Address: 4002 W. Pioneer Parkway
Arlington, Texas, 76013
Primary Point of Contact: Starlettte Pickett, office manager -
Phone Number: 817-277-9481
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Junior League of Arlington, Inc. (JLA) is a nonprofit, educational, and charitable organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. JLA’s focus is on abuse prevention. Each year, we host our annual Glass Slipper Boutique, giving local area high school girls an opportunity to get a prom dress and accessories. We also host a mini-GSB for ladies with special needs to attend the Tim Tebow’s Night to Shine prom. The 2020-2021 Glass Slipper Boutique is scheduled for March 27, 2021; the Night Shine boutique event is January 30, 2021. -
Kiwanis Club of Arlington / Arlington Kiwanis Foundation
Street Address: P.O. Box 441, Arlington, TX 76004
3010 W. Park Row Dr. #100, Pantego, TX 76013
Primary Point of Contact: Al Becker -
Phone Number: 817-640-7711 (Laura Arnhart)
Social Media: Facebook -; Instagram -
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time. Founded in 1915, Kiwanis has more than 550,000 members, and nearly 15,000 clubs, in 80 nations. Kiwanis clubs help communities in countless ways. Each community’s needs are different—so each Kiwanis club is different. The Kiwanis Club of Arlington is the city’s oldest and largest club. It began in 1952 and has been a key player in spreading goodness among the community. At its core, Kiwanis is a service organization, pursuing its mission through contributions of money raised and time devoted by volunteers. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. Our mission is driven by the belief that the most effective way to enhance a community is to encourage its children. We believe that when a child is given a chance to learn, experience, dream, and succeed, great things will unfold. -
Leadership Arlington, Inc.
Street Address: c/o Center for Community Service
4002 West Pioneer Parkway
Arlington, Texas 76013
Primary Point of Contact: Paulette Tutor, Executive Director -
Phone Number: (817) 277-9481 – Junior League of Arlington
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Leadership Arlington’s mission is to provide an ongoing network (to encourage and promote leadership development) of the next generation of community leaders.
The purpose of the Youth Leadership Arlington program is to prepare and encourage students from diverse backgrounds to serve as leaders among their peers, while building their skills, commitment and desire to serve our community now and in the future. -
Lena Pope
Street Address: 3200 Sanguinet St.
Fort Worth, Texas 76107
601 W. Sanford St.
Arlington, Texas 76011 Suite 202
Primary Point of Contact: N/A
Phone Number: 817-255-2652
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Lena Pope Counseling is dedicated to meeting the mental health needs of families in Fort Worth and surrounding areas. Counseling services are provided by licensed therapists with Master’s Degrees to children, adolescents and families for various issues including anxiety, depression, trauma, and disruptive behavior. Lena Pope is also licensed by the state of Texas to provide substance use treatment. Lena Pope Counseling Services accepts many insurance providers, including Medicaid and CHIP, and provides financial assistance based on income and family size for individuals without insurance. Our goal is to ensure all members of the community have access to mental health treatment. -
Loyal Order of Moose
Street Address: 2522 E Park Row Dr, Arlington, TX 76010
Primary Point of Contact: Ask for the Lodge Administrator or Lodge Governor -
Phone Number: 817-543-1818
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Loyal Order of Moose is a fraternal and service organization of men and women dedicated to caring for young and old, bringing communities closer together, celebrating life and helping families in need. Lodges across the Fraternity are known for creating life-long bonds between members through activities and a shared concern for children in need, seniors and the communities in which they live. -
My Health My Resources of Tarrant County
Street Address: 3840 Hulen Street
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Primary Point of Contact: N/A
Phone Number: 817-335-3022
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
MHMR provides mental health, substance use disorder, disability and early childhood services. Access services or more information anytime by calling or texting 817-335-3022. My Health My Resources (MHMR)
We Change Lives. For more than 50 years, MHMR has provided community-based services for youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), mental health conditions, and substance use disorders, as well as babies and young children with developmental delays. MHMR employees use a person-centered approach to fulfill the mission
WE CHANGE LIVES! Using innovative approaches, MHMR partners with community organizations to provide services and a hopeful future. -
North Texas Job Corps
Street Address: 1341 W. Mockingbird Lane Suite 201E
Dallas, TX 75247
Primary Point of Contact: Nicholas Plumphrey & Ana Barrios -
Phone Number: 214-824-3030
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The program helps eligible young people ages 16 through 24 complete their high school education, trains them for meaningful careers and assists them with obtaining employment. At Job Corps, students have access to room and board while they learn skills in specific training areas for up to three years. In addition to helping students complete their education, obtain career technical skills and gain employment, Job Corps also provides transitional support services, such as help finding employment, housing, child care, and transportation. Job Corps graduates either enter the workforce or an apprenticeship, go to higher education, or join the military. -
Parent & Family Advocate, Disability Services
Street Address: 1300 Circle Drive
Fort Worth, Texas 76119
Primary Point of Contact: Stephanie Morris or Calen Hawkins, Director of Intake & Access -
Phone Number: 817-569-5463 (office)
Secondary Phone Number: 817-569-4141 (Agency, Disability Services)
Brief Description of Organization Services:
MHMR has provided community-based services for youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD), mental health conditions, and substance use disorders, as well as babies and young children with developmental delays. MHMR employees use a person-centered approach to fulfill the mission
WE CHANGE LIVES! Using innovative approaches, MHMR partners with community organizations to provide services and a hopeful future. -
Rush Creek Compassion Center
Street Address: 2350 SW Green Oaks Blvd
Arlington, TX 76017
Primary Point of Contact: Shane Cavitt -
Phone Number: 817-468-7729
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Rush Creek Compassion Center operates a food pantry and offers life skills classes and several other ministries, including Rush Creek Counseling Center and Preschool On the Creek.
S - Z
Scouts BSA, Longhorn Council - Arrowhead District
Street Address: 850 Cannon Dr.
Hurst, TX 76054
Primary Point of Contact: N/A
Phone Number: 817-231-8500
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Longhorn Council – Arrowhead District would like to welcome you to join our Scouts BSA organization for both boys and girls within the Arlington, Mansfield, and Kennedale ISD’s grades K-12. Please go to and fill out for more info. -
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Street Address: Galveston Center
815 Market Street, Galveston, TX 77550
Primary Point of Contact: N/A
Phone Number: (800) 237-5055
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Specialize in orthopedic conditions, burn care, spinal cord injury, craniofacial and cleft lip/palate, sports injury and fractures without regard to patient’s ability to pay. Our local Shrine Center provides transportation for patients in need of that service. -
SMART Arlington
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: Abbie Byrd Hancock, LMSW -
Phone Number: 817-336-6617
Additional Website: Twitter @SMARTArlington
Brief Description of Organization Services:
SMART Arlington is a community coalition whose main purpose is to aid in the prevention of substance use among youth in the City of Arlington, most especially with AISD. We collaborate with community stakeholders whom have an interest in being a change agent for reducing youth substance use rates by addressing risk factors for use such as mental illness, socioeconomic status, bullying, relationship violence, lack of parental support, among many others. -
Social Security Administration (SSA)
Street Address: 1301 Young Street, Room 500
Dallas TX 75202
Primary Point of Contact: Rosalie “Lee” Alviar -
Phone Number: 214-767-1310
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Information regarding SSA programs, benefits, and eligibility. -
Special Education Information Center /
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: N/A -
Phone Number: 1-855-773-3839
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Special Education Information Center/ is a TEA grant-funded statewide project housed at Region 10 to provide support navigating special education regulations, information, options, and resources to special education questions, as well as promoting collaboration, communication, and participation in the IEP development of special education students. -
State Representative Chris Turner
Street Address: 320 Westway Place, Suite 501, Arlington, TX 76018
Primary Point of Contact: Miles Wilson - &
Phone Number: 817-459-2800
Secondary Phone Number: 512-463-0574
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Our office assists constituents of House District 101 (Arlington and Grand Prairie) with any issues related to state government. Examples include issues with Medicaid, Food Stamps, Child Support, Unemployment Insurance, and Driver License Issues. If you need help with a state issue, please contact our office by calling 817-459-2800 or sending an email to -
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Do the right thing with an anonymous way for you to share information or report incidents in your school. You can text too. Report bullying, harassment, violence, threats, weapons, alcohol or drug issues, hazing, inappropriate online behavior, discrimination, or ethics violations.
Download the STOPit app. The access code is AISDSTOPit -
Tarrant Area Food Bank
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: Vicky Martinez -
Phone Number: 1-866-430-6143
Secondary Phone Number: 817-857-7100
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Find food and resources in your community. -
Tarrant County College
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: N/A -
Phone Number: 817-515-8223
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Tarrant County College District (TCCD) is a public community college in Tarrant County, Texas. It offers Associate of Arts, an Associate of Science, an Associate of Applied Science, and Associate of Arts in Teaching degrees. As of 2008, the institution was ranked as the sixth largest in Texas among community colleges and universities with student enrollment for credit hours of 98,000. Five physical campuses, a virtual campus (TCC Connect) and a centralized office make up the TCC District. -
Tarrant County College Southeast Campus, ESL Department
Street Address: 2100 Southeast Pkwy
Arlington, TX 76018
Primary Point of Contact: Melody Nguyen -
Phone Number: 817-515-3565
Secondary Phone Number: 817-515-3214
Brief Description of Organization Services:
English as a Second Language courses are designed to help students improve their English skills for workforce and for academic purposes. Tarrant County College offers two ESL tracks to help students achieve their goals. Workforce English Students in the Workforce English program learn and practice reading, writing, speaking, and listening to improve communication in the workplace and everyday life. Students take a placement test. If they cannot use a computer, they may talk with an advisor. Students who know little to no English can start with the Basic level. Financial Aid may be available through the Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG). Academic English Students in the Academic English program learn and practice reading, writing, grammar and academic vocabulary skills for college. Students who successfully complete the third level of Academic ESL may continue in the ESOL program. Students take a placement test. If they cannot use a computer, they may talk with an advisor. -
Tarrant County Commissioner, Precinct 2 – Devan Allen
Street Address: 700 E. Abram St., Ste. 304, Arlington, TX 76010
Primary Point of Contact: Jay Jackson, Precinct Administrator -
Phone Number: 817-248-6099
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Devan Allen, Tarrant County Commissioner Precinct 2 represents Arlington on the County Commissioners Court. Constituents can visit either the Arlington or Mansfield Sub-Courthouses for the following services
County Clerk’s Office (Birth/death certificates, marriage licenses, assumed names (DBA’s). Call Arlington 817-548-3928 or Mansfield 817-473-5135 - For passports call 817-548-3963), Justice of the Peace (Performs marriages; hears civil lawsuits, Class C offenses including traffic, and deed restriction cases; and more. Call Arlington 817-548-3925 or Mansfield 817-473-5101), Tax Office (Pay property taxes, obtain vehicle registrations, vehicle title transfers, etc. Call Arlington 817-548-3935 or Mansfield 817-473-5125). Call our office direct for any County related concerns. -
Tarrant County Public Health WIC Program
Street Address: N/A
Primary Point of Contact: WIC Call Center - N/A
Phone Number: 817-321-5400 (appointment line)
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program
WIC provides nutrition assessments, healthy foods, nutrition, breastfeeding education and referrals for eligible pregnant, post-partum and breastfeeding women, as well as infants and children under the age of 5. -
Texas Workforce Solutions – Vocational Rehabilitation Services
Street Address: 110 West Randol Mill Road, Suite 110
Arlington, Texas 76011
Primary Point of Contact: N/A
Phone Number: (817) 436-4160
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Texas Workforce Solutions Vocational Rehabilitation Services (TWS-VRS) provides services for people with disabilities to help them prepare for, obtain, retain or advance in employment. TWS-VRS also serves youth and students with disabilities (ages 14-22) to help prepare for post-secondary education and employment opportunities. Services are eligibility and need based. -
The Parenting Center
Street Address: 2928 West 5th Street
Fort Worth, TX 76107
Primary Point of Contact: Katheryn Thalken -
Phone Number: 817-332-6348
Secondary Phone Number: 817-632-5537
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Parenting Center provides family members and professionals with the tools, resources and services to build successful families. -
The Salvation Army
Street Address: 712 W. Abram St. Arlington, Texas 76013
Primary Point of Contact: Lts. Konstantin Maslenikov & Anna Maslenikova -
Phone Number: (817) 860-1836
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Salvation Army Arlington/Mansfield corps and North Texas Youth Education Town provides a variety of programs for children and families: Day camps; After-school program; School of Performing Arts; Teen and Character-building programs; Christmas assistance (Angel Tree); Family shelter; Emergency food distribution; The Salvation Army YET center is a place of hope, a place to dream, a place to learn, and a place to grow. -
Travel & Sports Legacy Foundation
Street Address: 1905 East Randol Mill Road
Arlington, Texas 76011
Primary Point of Contact: Mary German -
Phone Number: 817-704-7580
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Travel & Sports Legacy Foundation connects the Arlington community with great careers, tourism enterprises with talented people, and builds a more sustainable and employable tourism industry. TSLF is a 501c3 non-profit organization, dedicated to providing job and life skills training, leadership development, and scholarships for Arlington’s underserved youth interested in careers in the travel and tourism industry. -
U.S. Air Force - Active Duty Air Force Enlisted Recruiter
Street Address: 4138 S. Cooper St.
Arlington TX 76015
Primary Point of Contact: SSgt Tyler Harlow -
Phone Number: 817-312-9886
Brief Description of Organization Services:
As an Air Force Recruiter it is my job to help young men and women start their journey into the Air Force. I help schedule ASVAB (Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery) Test as well as MEPS (Medical Entry Processing Station). I also help in the selection process of their jobs when they join. -
U.S. Air Force Reserve
Street Address: 4140 South Cooper St.
Arlington, TX 76015
Primary Point of Contact: MSgt Brandon Gage -
Phone Number: 817-729-9047
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Air Force Reserve provides a wide range of benefits similar to those you would receive if you were on active duty with one major addition
the benefit of time. Time to be with your family, time to continue your civilian career and time to serve your country.
Extra Income
The Air Force Reserve can give you the ability to earn extra income and benefits while maintaining a civilian job or pursuing your degree. If you're a full-time student, you'll have the time to study while you serve in the Reserve. If you have a job, you'll enjoy the extra income earned as a member of the Reserve. The Air Force Reserve constantly stresses education, and encourages Reservists to continue to learn throughout their careers by offering programs to help facilitate those ambitions.
No Need to Move
When you join the Air Force Reserve you can serve at a base close to where you currently live and work. Though you do not need to move, you may pursue assignments at your base or at other locations as the opportunities arise. -
U.S. Army Recruiting
Street Address: 4136 South Cooper Street
Arlington, TX 76015
Primary Point of Contact: Staff Sergeant Christopher Parker -
Phone Number: 817-467-3266
Secondary Phone Number: 903-288-6288
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Interested in opportunities in the Army or Army Reserve. Must meet eligibility requirements. Various positions available to Juniors and Seniors (17yrs old with parental consent). Education benefits and over 150 job opportunities. Must contact your local Army Representative to inquire on your eligibility. -
U.S. Coast Guard
Street Address: 2240 Market Place Blvd. Suite 100
Irving, TX 75063
Primary Point of Contact: Chief Anthony Camacho -
Phone Number: 972-506-3047
Secondary Phone Number: 972-834-9270
Additional Website: Facebook
Go Coast Guard Dallas
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Coast Guard is the oldest lifesaving service. We conduct many missions, including, law enforcement, search and rescue, aids to navigation, immigration and border patrol, and humanitarian mission. We are a military branch, but we are not DOD (Department of Defense). We are DHS (Department of Homeland Security). We get all the same benefits as all the other services, including the GI Bill and all other benefits. -
UT Arlington Athletics
Street Address: 601 Spaniolo Drive, Arlington, TX 76019
Primary Point of Contact: Jeremy Malnes -
Phone Number: (817) 272-9607
Secondary Phone Number: (Box Office) (817) 272-9595
Additional Website: (Tickets)
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Located in the heart of Arlington, UTA provides an abundance of family-friendly activities including attending games of their thirteen NCAA athletic teams. UTA hosts over 100 athletic events each year! Ticketed sports include volleyball, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, baseball, and softball.
For game schedules and all the latest news and information about UTA Athletics, visit -
UT Arlington Bound for Success Program
Street Address: Davis Hall, UT Arlington, 701 S. Nedderman Dr.
Arlington, TX 76019
Primary Point of Contact: Bethany Jones, Assistant Director -
Phone Number: 817-272-1390
Secondary Phone Number: 817-272-2090
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Bound for Success is a team of UTA admissions counselors planted in all AISD High School Go Center locations weekly to help juniors and seniors apply for UTA, choose a major, earn scholarships, apply for financial aid, and prepare for their college transition. We also offer virtual counseling appointments for students and parents, y se habla español! Students with a top 25% rank their junior year will even be offered automatic admission to UTA and a no-stress college application process. Consult the Website to view your specific counselor’s location and contact information and meet your future head-on. -
UT Arlington Go Center Mentor Program
Street Address: Davis Hall, UT Arlington, 701 S. Nedderman Dr.
Arlington, TX 76019
Primary Point of Contact: Sandra Esquivel, Assistant Director -
Phone Number: 817-272-9723
Secondary Phone Number: 817-272-2090
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Go Center Mentor Program is a team of college students who provide college and career readiness assistance to all high-school students. Mentors assist high school students as they prepare for college, careers, and/or life after high school. Mentors assist school counselors in promoting a college-going culture in Arlington High School, Lamar High School, Juan Seguin High School, and Venture High School. We also offer virtual counseling appointments for students and parents. Tambien ayudamos en español. -
UT Arlington TRIO Educational Talent Search (Pre-College Program)
Street Address: 503 W. 3rd Street Carlisle Hall Room 719
Arlington, Texas 76019
Primary Point of Contact: Janah Bruton
Matt Torres - (Janah Bruton) (Matt Torres)
Phone Number: (817) 272–0348
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The Educational Talent Search Programs at UT Arlington provide free college, career and financial aid information to over 1,000 junior high and high school students each year. Talent Search identifies and selects students who demonstrate the potential for post-secondary enrollment and provides them with the motivation and support to enroll in a program of post-secondary education (college, university, technical or vocational school) after high school graduation. We are currently recruiting for the 2020 fall semester. Email me your TRIO Educational Talent Search Application or open the link above, complete the application, and email it to -
Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County
Street Address: Arlington Workforce Center located on the UTA Campus at
140 W. Mitchell Arlington, Texas 76010
6 locations throughout Tarrant County
Primary Point of Contact: Lacey Douglas, Communications & Events Unit Director -
Phone Number: 817-413-4000
Additional Website:
Brief Description of Organization Services:
Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County (WSTC) under the direction of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) is one of 28 local workforce development boards located throughout the state. The primary goal of WSTC is to respond to the needs of employers and workers through locally designed market-driven workforce development initiatives.
In short, our job is to help Tarrant County residents get the assistance and training they need to obtain employment in a career pathway of their choice. Our services are FREE and are available to all eligible Tarrant County residents. We also provide services to employers to help them find well trained and qualified individuals for their organization. -
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated Zeta Youth Affiliates
Street Address: P O Box 182933, Arlington, TX 76096
Primary Point of Contact: Cynthia Logan -
Brief Description of Organization Services:
The purpose of Zeta Youth Affiliates is to provide and promote cultural awareness, social skills, educational enrichment, leadership development, and community services.
Our mission is to provide a carefully designed program of activities that will enhance youth club members through mind, body, and spirit as they work within their various communities to help others.